Friday, November 29, 2013

Google vs Facebook

These Charts Prove Facebook Is A Better Place To Work Than Google

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When it comes to desirable places to work in the tech industry, two companies are always at the top of the list: Facebook and Google.

But which one is really the better employer?

To answer that question, we compared the two companies head to head,with the help of data gathered exclusively for Business Insider by Glassdoor. Glassdoor is a job hunting site where employees rate companies.

We looked at the companies in multiple rounds of comparisons and declared a winner in each round.

Round 1: Overall satisfaction ratings - Facebook wins

(Score so far: Facebook - 1; Google - 0)

Facebook employees rate their employer slightly better overall (4.6) compared to how Google employees rate Google (4.1), from at least 550 company reviews per company.

Satisfaction ratings are based on a 5-point scale: 1.0=very dissatisfied, 3.0=OK, 5.0=very satisfied. So, we can see that employees are highly satisfied with both companies.

Interestingly, Google's rating has been climbing, indicating that current employers are getting happier. As of this quarter, the two companies are tied at 4.5 each, as the chart below shows:


Round 2: CEO Approval Rating - Mark Zuckerberg wins

(Score so far: Facebook - 2; Google - 0)

In 2011, Google employees were far happier with their CEO, Larry Page, than Facebook employees were with their CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. Those were Facebook's pre-IPO days, when rumors were circulating that Zuckerberg planned to sell Facebook, and people were grumbling that Facebook needed a more mature CEO.

By the start of 2012, just before Facebook's IPO in May, employees were feeling great about their young CEO. His ratings wouldn't dive again until just before the so-called Facebook phone was announced, Facebook Home, and the HTC smartphone built with Home that failed fast.

Even so, Zuckerberg has eked out a slightly higher approval rating from employees overall, 97%, compared to Page of 95% of employees who approve of Page, based on at least 475 ratings per CEO.

And so far in Q4 13, Zuckerberg is enjoying a perfect 100% CEO approval rating.


Round 3: Employee confidence in the future - Facebook wins

(Score so far: Facebook - 3; Google - 0)

More Facebook employees (84%) than Google employees (80%) believe their company's business will improve in the next six months.

More Google employees (18%) than Facebook employees (16%) believe their company's business performance will remain the same in the next six months.

More Google employees (2%) than Facebook employees (0%) believe their company's business performance will get worse in the next six months.

(This data was based on at least 60 ratings per company over the past three months, August-November.)

Round 4: Perks and Salaries - Google wins

(Because this is such an important area, it's worth two points. Score so far: Facebook - 3; Google - 2)

One big thing that Google has over Facebook is that it pays more for technical talent.

Over the past 12 months, the average salary for a Google software engineer was $128,225; At Facebook it was $121,183.

And more Google employees are happy with perks like free food than Facebook employees. More Google are happy with work/life balance and work hours than Facebook, too.

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