Wednesday, November 13, 2013


It's not easy being a leader.

It also doesn't help that most advice about leadership is given by, well, let's be honest, leaders. Instead of having CEOs and executives talk about what makes themselves great, we thought we thought it'd be nice to open up the floor to all voices--so we put out a simple question on Facebook.

What do you think makes a really good boss?

As usual, the responses came streaming in. Here, we've compiled a list of our five favorites. Feel free to forward it on to your own boss--if you think they're a good enough boss to appreciate it.

1. Be an advocate for your company and don't hide your faults (we've all got them)

2. Drop the ego and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty

3. Inspire others to lead

4. Fight for your team, don't micro-manage them

5. Being the boss doesn't mean you can't be helpful

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